International Falafel Day (June 12th)

International Falafel Day (June 12th)

Have we missed something? Calling all fans of falafel! Deep-fried and composed of chickpeas or fava beans, this Middle Eastern food is often found wrapped up in a pita bread, or served with salad and sauces. No matter how this dish is served, falafel is a bit crunchy...
National German Chocolate Cake Day (June 11th)

National German Chocolate Cake Day (June 11th)

Have we missed something? Let’s face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for meAudrey Hepburn Doesn’t just about everyone love chocolate? What about a chocolate cake? Certainly, there are many people who believe that there is...
National Iced Tea Day (June 10th)

National Iced Tea Day (June 10th)

Quick facts When is it?Every June 10thTagged as:What’s the hashtag?#NationalIcedTeaDayWho founded it?Richard BlechyndenWe first published this page on:Dec 23rd, 2017We last updated this page:Jul 14th, 2022 Have we missed something? Iced tea is too pure and...
National Name Your Poison Day (June 8th)

National Name Your Poison Day (June 8th)

Have we missed something? Sidle up to a bar and order a drink because it’s time to celebrate National Name Your Poison Day!  History of National Name Your Poison Day National Name Your Poison Day has roots that can be traced back to the origin of the phrase “name your...
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day (June 7th)

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day (June 7th)

Have we missed something? Vanilla is considered the most popular flavor of ice cream, but ever since the Italians froze hot chocolate in 1692, chocolate has been a close contender. The celebratory day itself was likely started by an ice cream manufacturer to encourage...
Random Acts of Cardness Day (June 5th)

Random Acts of Cardness Day (June 5th)

Have we missed something? Focus on making the world a slightly brighter and better place by sharing love and cheer through sending greeting cards to make people happy, one card at a time. Spread some cheer by participating in and enjoying Random Acts of Cardness Day! ...