Web Nerds News

World Rat Day (April 4th)

World Rat Day (April 4th)

Have we missed something? Anyone who keeps rats as pets or companions is already in on a big secret: despite all the myths and misconceptions, these animals are in fact friendly, loyal, intelligent and very endearing. Unfortunately, they’ve had a bit of bad...

International Children’s Book Day (April 2nd)

International Children’s Book Day (April 2nd)

Have we missed something? See Dick. See Dick Run. Run Dick Run. See Jane. See Jane Run After Jack. Run Jane Run. These words comprise some of the first words we ever learned to read on our own, and are recognizable to many people of many different cultures....

National Crayon Day (March 31st)

National Crayon Day (March 31st)

Have we missed something? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet…no, this isn’t just a list of all of the colors of the rainbow, but rather just a few of the more than 400 different shades of crayon colors that Crayola has produced since its humble...

Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day (March 29th)

Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day (March 29th)

Have we missed something? Anyone who has ever visited Niagara Falls, whether on the American side or the Canadian side, can attest to the fact that its torrential gusts of water are powerful and fascinating. But that hasn’t always been the case!  Now it’s time...

National Black Forest Cake Day (March 28th)

National Black Forest Cake Day (March 28th)

Have we missed something? Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte is a word that is perhaps beyond the reach of many people who have not studied German. It’s a rich world with a rich history, but perhaps a bit too exotic to describe a treat most of us are probably familiar...


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