Learning to read is something that most people do as children. Learning to love to read is something that can be developed at any time. National Read Across America Day can be the perfect moment to fall in love with reading!

There are so many ways to read now with technology making it easy to carry a book with you no matter where you go thanks to the internet. Some people just cannot forget the feel and smell of a book in hand and prefer to read their books physically. So, grab your favorite, and take time to enjoy a good book!

History of National Read Across America Day

The National Education Association (NEA) has sponsored National Read Across America Day since 1998. The NEA is an organization that works for the advancement of public education. They have been working to promote reading across the nation with events planned in schools, libraries and throughout communities. There is also a pledge that group organizers or teachers can take that will allow their plans to be posted on the NEA’s website. The hope is that this will draw more attention and attendance at the event.

It is not just teachers and librarians who are stepping up to help create another generation of book lovers, but celebrities as well. Since 1998, sport stars, actors, and other celebrities have taken time to sit and read to students and help bring the spotlight to this worthy cause.

How to celebrate National Read Across America Day

This might be one of the easiest holidays to celebrate. You don’t need to wade through crowds at stores, spend a ton of money or have a house filled with guests. All you need to do is pick up a book and read! How and where you do it is up to you. Some places that are often thought of are in a nice warm bubble bath, a hammock, or in a cozy chair snuggled with a pet. You could try out something more public by heading to your favorite coffee shop or bookstore.

If there are children in your life, take the opportunity to share some of your favorite children’s books with them. You can share memories of how you came to love reading! It is never too early to start reading to children, even if you think they are too young to understand. Reading to them helps them to develop their language skills and helps to build vocabulary!

Another way to celebrate is to start or join a book club. Gather with others who love to read and socialize! Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends but also to share your love for reading. Book clubs are great at any age and even children and young adults could benefit from having a group to talk about their favorite books with.

If you want to learn more about the NEA and how to plan an event for National Read Across America Day you can find their website at nea.org.

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