National Roots Day (December 23rd)

National Roots Day (December 23rd)

Have we missed something? Many people are uninterested in where their ancestors came from…until they start researching the topic deeper. And then suddenly it turns out that their family history was a long and fascinating one! Perhaps they become obsessed with finding...
National Crossword Puzzle Day (December 21st)

National Crossword Puzzle Day (December 21st)

Have we missed something? National Crossword Puzzle Day is a fun celebration that brings puzzle enthusiasts together to enjoy a beloved brain teaser that has stood the test of time. Crossword puzzles are not just entertaining; they also sharpen the mind. They improve...
Go Caroling Day (December 20th)

Go Caroling Day (December 20th)

Any fan of old classic movies knows that carolers were one of the hallmarks of any Christmas themed movie. Whether it was “It’s a Wonderful Life” or Charles Dickens “Christmas Carol”, you could be certain at some point some warmly bedecked singers would arrive at...
National Heroes and Heroines Day (December 19th)

National Heroes and Heroines Day (December 19th)

Have we missed something? National Heroes and Heroines Day honors the remarkable individuals who have left a lasting mark on their countries. Celebrated on different dates worldwide, it’s a day dedicated to honoring those who’ve made significant contributions to their...
International Migrants Day (December 18th)

International Migrants Day (December 18th)

Migration has been a courageous expression of the individual’s will to overcome adversity and to live a better life. Today, globalization, together with advances in communications and transportation, has greatly increased the number of people who have the desire and...