National Spalding Baseball Day (September 2nd)

National Spalding Baseball Day (September 2nd)

Have we missed something? “Take me out to the ball-game!” Because this time toward the end of the Major League Baseball season is a perfect time to join in with National Spalding Baseball Day. History of National Spalding Baseball DayNational Spalding Baseball Day was...
National Matchmaker Day (August 31st)

National Matchmaker Day (August 31st)

Have we missed something? National Matchmaker Day is a delightful occasion that celebrates the individuals who bring people together. Whether they’re professionals or just friends who enjoy playing Cupid, matchmakers help create love stories. This day is dedicated to...
Individual Rights Day (August 29th)

Individual Rights Day (August 29th)

Have we missed something? In honor of John Locke, the seventeenth century English philosopher whose important and ground-breaking writings argued for the rights of each single human being, Individual Rights Day is celebrated on August 29th, which is the anniversary of...
Crackers Over The Keyboard Day (August 28th)

Crackers Over The Keyboard Day (August 28th)

Have we missed something? Let’s dive into the fun and quirky world of Crackers Over The Keyboard Day! Imagine sitting at your desk, typing away, and suddenly, you’re munching on crackers right over your keyboard. Sounds a bit wild, doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly the...