National Bad Poetry Day (August 18th)

National Bad Poetry Day (August 18th)

Have we missed something? Let’s face it – not everybody can be the best writer, lyricist or poet. But don’t let that put a stop to doing it anyway! National Bad Poetry Day is the perfect opportunity to read, write and create any type of poetry desired, even if it’s...
National Airborne Day (August 16th)

National Airborne Day (August 16th)

Quick facts When is it?Every August 16thWhat’s the hashtag?#NationalAirborneDayWe first published this page on:Dec 23rd, 2017We last updated this page:Apr 28th, 2023 Have we missed something? National Airborne Day brings forth an ideal opportunity to pay tribute...
World Lizard Day (August 14th)

World Lizard Day (August 14th)

Quick facts When is it?Every August 14thTagged as:What’s the hashtag?#WorldLizardDayWe first published this page on:May 22nd, 2024We last updated this page:May 22nd, 2024 Have we missed something? As part of a larger global effort to recognize, learn about and...
International Lefthanders Day (August 13th)

International Lefthanders Day (August 13th)

Have we missed something? From scissors to knives, from can openers to cork screws, Left Handers (also sometimes called Southpaws) can be the brunt of jokes all year long due to their unique hand dominance. But this is the day to ignore all of that and bring awareness...
National Son and Daughter Day (August 11th)

National Son and Daughter Day (August 11th)

Have we missed something? The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day. Whether sons and daughters are young or old, teenagers or toddlers, the bond between parent and child is like no other on earth and this annual...